Oh a mystery portal

So I was just minding my own stuff so then I just fell in a portal and guess what I am in world so where am I maybe I am still sleeping what! I was not sleeping I was just walking and fell in a…

my weekend uh help me ahh torture!!!

On the stupid Saturday It’s sometimes good like Saturday because it was my bff’s birthday and you might know my friend Dylan because he has a blog to so back to it I guess so it was his birthday I got him a ebgame gift…

Art, physical Education/sport, Music and Science

Hello again if you are new comers you don’t now my name well its Tristan so now you now lets get on with my post so by title you now what we are talking if this is to long for you go read somthing else…

Not Maths Again!

I’m back people! So this is maths nooo! So this time we did hefting soooo boring! So we did estimating   the weight. I have practice so that’s how I got better this how I predicted and I was so long away I mean so long…

Cross country

Hello again this is at my school its called cross country its like racing but I was sitting out and I watching and I saw some good racing and it was fair so I liked it so it was okay watching so I guess it…

Cinquain poem

Hello! again so this time at School we did Cinquain poems my first one is this its called shopping by the way so shopping…                                           …

About my holiday/my birthday

So on my holiday I went swimming and fishing and sliding then I went home and it was my birthday so I got a Nintendo switch and Messi gear and games for  Nintendo switch .